The Long Term Care game has changed. Let us show you how.
Harris Capital Advisors is a black-owned, boutique insurance agency offering Long Term Care education and counsel.
Human Resources
Harris Capital offers product agnostic Lunch & Learn webinars. No products are discussed. Pure education.
Making sure you can live your best life.
You work diligently for years. You accumulate a comfortable nest egg that is earmarked for retirement – and possibly leaving a legacy. Then a major medical event happens, and your nest egg is now being used for your care. With proper Long-Term Care planning, your care can be paid for without touching the nest egg, leaving it for its intended purpose – living your best life.

Harris Capital Offers a Proven LTC Planning Process
Customized Just for You
Living Your Best Life
We begin by asking the right questions to understand your expectations for how you want to live your life as you age including your geographical preference, who you might live with and your favorite pastimes and hobbies. The truth is no one expects to be injured and few can predict whether a chronic medical condition might require on-going care services.? We help you define best and worst case scenarios and develop a plan that takes care of you in either case. We can help you.

Long Term Support Needs
Our next step is to more specifically define how your long-term care plan would work not only for you but for your family and loved ones. We identify what kinds of long-term care support you may need and how you want those services provided to you or a loved one. Questions we will explore include:
- Who is going to provide the care you need? A family member?
- If so, what kind of support will they need to avoid “caregiver fatigue?”
- If it’s not possible for a family member to provide the care, how is the care going to be paid for?
Optimized Funding Options
Finally, we lay out your options for saving and paying for LTC looking for opportunities to leverage an existing whole life insurance policy or an annuity to fund an LTC program. And you will retain the same benefits your existing policy offers. The best of both worlds. So, you may have already paid for your LTC coverage. And there are other innovative ways to pay for LTC programs. Harris Capital can help you find your optimal funding option.